Employees who have been injured at work and are covered by workers’ compensation may have questions related to their rights to benefits. Here are a few questions that may come up:

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Employees who have been injured at the workplace may be entitled to benefits under workers’ compensation to cover costs that resulted from the accident, such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Temporary and permanent disability
  • Dependency benefits
  • Vocational rehabilitation benefits

In the case of a wrongful death, the family of a deceased worker may also receive compensation for funeral costs.

Is My Employer Required to Provide Workers’ Compensation?

While the requirement varies by state, typically employers of large companies are required to purchase workers’ compensation coverage for employees. Common exceptions include agricultural employers and employers with fewer than five employees. Chapter 440 of the Florida Statutes establishes which employers in our state are required to provide workers’ compensation benefits.

Who Establishes Workers’ Comp Regulations?

Each state establishes laws as they relate to workers compensation.

What If the Accident Isn’t My Employer’s Fault?

In exchange for limited liability, employers purchase workers’ compensation plans to provide employees with coverage, regardless of who is at fault in the event of an accident. Anyone who is covered under the program may seek benefits following any type of work-related injury.

Insurance Has Denied My Claim. Now What?

Most states allow settlements in workers’ compensation cases in which an aspect of the claim is disputed. These disputes may address:

  • Whether the employee is entitled to permanent disability benefits
  • The extent of the injuries
  • Whether the employee can work
  • The duration of the recovery process
  • Whether an injury is work-related

How Do I Receive My Benefits?

If you’ve been injured on the job, you must report your injury to your employer within 30 days of the incident.

Will My Employer Treat Me Differently If I File a Claim?

It is against the law for an employee to be discriminated against due to a workers’ compensation dispute.

Can I Choose My Doctor?

Most employers will provide a list of health care providers within their network. You may choose a provider from this list to receive workers’ compensation benefits for your treatment.

In the event that you are injured at work, an attorney may help you resolve disputes with your employer’s insurance carrier and ensure that you are treated fairly following your claim. To learn more, contact Johnson & Gilbert, P. A., today.