Those who haven’t experienced severe contact dermatitis may not truly understand just how painful, uncomfortable, and debilitating some of the cases are. When this condition is caused by chemical exposure in the workplace and causes so much pain that you are unable to work, you may qualify for workers’ compensation. It is important for your health and recovery that you seek a medical diagnosis and treatment.

Treatments for Contact Dermatitis

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when injured on the job is not going to the doctor right away. Not only can skipping this crucial step cause your condition to become worse, it can also prevent you from getting the workers’ compensation you may be entitled to receive. With contact dermatitis, the type of treatment you receive depends on the severity of your condition. Typically, treatments will include:

  • Prescription steroid creams. If the rash isn’t too severe, your doctor may only prescribe a topical steroid cream to treat the irritation. The cream may help to reduce inflammation, which can help the rash get smaller and disappear. The cream can also help with any itch you’re experiencing.
  • Oral medication. If the cream isn’t taking care of the job itself, the doctor may add an oral medication to your treatment. Antibiotics can help to clear up infection, antihistamines can relieve itching, and corticosteroids can reduce inflammation.
  • Medication to repair the skin. Your doctor may prescribe medication that contains drugs that affect your immune system to help repair your skin and prevent future reoccurrences.

Will Workers’ Compensation Pay for the Treatment?

To qualify for workers’ comp for contact dermatitis, you must be able to prove that your condition was caused by exposure to a substance in the workplace. If you are approved, the compensation can help pay for medical bills and time lost from work. However, getting the help you need isn’t always easy. If you have been denied, or if you have questions about the process, the attorneys of Johnson and Gilbert may be able to help. Contact us today to speak with an attorney and to request a free copy of the book It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Workers’ Comp.