As a gardener in Daytona Beach, you know the meaning of hot. You spend long hours out in the sun, but most often, it isn’t a problem. Drinking plenty of water and taking regular breaks help you avoid the problems of working outside in the blazing heat.  But if at some point, you feel you can’t catch your breath; can’t respond to your boss because you’re confused and have difficulty talking; begin to vomit; or experience a bad headache, you could be suffering from heat stroke.

Complications From Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is happens when a person’s body temperatures reaches about 104 F, and the body's self-regulating systems shut down. Most people recover from heat stroke if they receive immediate and effective treatment. However, if treatment isn’t available right away, complications can arise, and the brain and other organs can be damaged permanently, causing long-term health problems.  Here are two serious complications caused by heat stroke:

  • Vital organ damage. When your body stays at a high temperature for too long, your organs, including your brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs, begin to swell. This can cause irreversible damage that may have a negative, long-term impact on your health.  

  • Death. Without immediate or adequate treatment, a person can actually die from heat stroke.

Are You Prepared to Pay for the Long-Term Effects?

If you experience organ damage from heat stroke, you’ll likely face expensive medical bills in the future. Unless you are able to receive workers’ compensation, you may be expected to pay for those fees on your own.

If you feel your medical condition is due to work-related heat stroke, call us at 800.556.8890 to set up your complimentary consultation, and request your free copy of the book, It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Workers’ Comp.


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