As a Social Security disability lawyer in Daytona Beach, I have seen an increase in the number of individuals applying for disability involving HIV/AIDS. Recent studies, as quoted in the article HIV Infection Rates Highest in the South appearing at, have shown that the southern United States, including Florida, have the highest HIV infection rates. To view the entire article click here. Although the highest number of HIV cases are in large population areas like New york and California, it appears that the highest rates of HIV infections are in the south.

Complications from HIV/AIDS, including the side effects of the medications can cause debilitating problems. Although the contraction of HIV itself will not usually result in a finding of disability by the Social Security Administration, often times the physical effects of the virus (such as wasting syndrome or neuropathy) can. In addition, many HIV patients can have severe side effects from the medication regiment used to treat the virus. These side effects can also be used as a basis for proving disability.

As in all Social Security Disability or Supplemental Income cases, medical evidence is extremely important in developing your disability claim. It is important to make sure you are telling your doctor about all of your physical complaints associated with the illness and treatment. If you have any questions regarding your Social Security claim, please click here to contact us.
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