You always imagined that when you no longer had to work, your life would consist of leisurely walks on the beautiful beaches of Daytona, afternoons spent on the couch downing bonbons, and frequent trips with the kids to Disney World. Unfortunately, you didn’t count on a disability putting a stop to your working days.

You’ve suffered through the pain of an ailment for years, and it’s finally reached a point to where you are no longer able to work. Since you aren’t independently wealthy, not working also means an end to your paychecks, which means you can say goodbye to the endless amounts of bonbons and Disney trips.

The Longest Wait

On a suggestion from your doctor, you’ve applied to Social Security for disability benefits. You’re running low on patience—and cash—while waiting, and you’re not sure what to do in the meantime. Here, we offer a few tips:

  • Keep an eye on your claim. It’s up to you to make sure Social Security receives all of your information and is reviewing your claim. Never assume the Social Security staff is making your claim a top priority. On the contrary, there’s a chance they never received your claim or actually lost it.
  • Apply for other benefits. You may qualify to receive other types of benefits, including workers’ compensation, Supplemental Security income, and public assistance. Applying for multiple programs allows you to receive the most help possible, and provides a backup in case you are denied for Social Security disability.
  • Contact an attorney. The world of Social Security is quite complicated and unless you know what you are doing, you may not get the benefits you deserve. For instance, did you know you only have 65 days to file an appeal for a denied Social Security claim? Having an attorney who is knowledgeable with Social Security increases your chances of getting the approval you need.

Contact Us Today

The attorneys of Johnson and Gilbert can help you with your Social Security needs. Contact us today to learn how.

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