Four fatalities during Daytona's Bike Week.
Daytona Beach Bike Week 2010 came to an end on Sunday, March 7th. Unfortunately, there were 4 fatalities this year. However, this number is down from past years. Three of the fatalities involved single motorcycle accidents. The fourth was the result of two motorcycles coming in contact with each other. All in all, officials feel this was a good Bike Week. They attribute the reduced fatalities over years past to more mature drivers and the weather which included colder temps and a few rainy days. Although it is unfortunate that there were fatalities, I was pleased to see the numbers reduced over last year. I was equally pleased to see that none of the accidents involved collisions with cars (an all to common occurrence in the past). Bike Week is a great event for the Daytona Beach area. Safe driving practices make the event all the more enjoyable. If you have questions or would like more information safe driving practices, please contact our office for a free consultation at 1-800-556-8890 or visit our website to see other articles and blogs regarding motor vehicles and motorcycle safety.