Contrary to popular belief, not all plastic surgery is elective; some is required to live and function at your normal capacity. For instance, some accidents can negatively affect your body’s ability to perform basic functions, such as eating, seeing, and hearing. Fortunately, plastic surgery can often resolve those types of issues.
Will Workers’ Comp Cover Your Plastic Surgery?
Plastic surgery is usually quite expensive, and if an injury you suffered while on the job is the cause of your need for it, you probably want to know if you are responsible for paying the fees. The following are important facts to be aware of:
- Workers’ comp may pay for the surgery. If you need plastic surgery because of an accident at work, workers’ comp will likely cover the costs. For example, if you were burned, had previous plastic surgery that was compromised because of an accident, had a crushing injury, experienced a deep laceration, or suffered any kind of injury while on the job, if the doctor believes you need plastic surgery to recover, there’s a good chance workers’ compensation will pay for it.
- Your doctor may deny the work. You may feel that you need plastic surgery to get your appearance back to what it used to be. For example, if you require stitches because you were cut at work and now you’re worried you’ll have a deep scar or other deformity, you may believe that you should have plastic surgery to resolve the problem. If the doctor doesn’t believe plastic surgery is medically necessary, or if the doctor is biased and is trying to help the insurance company, however, workers’ comp may not cover the operation.
Let Us Help You
The attorneys of Johnson and Gilbert are well-versed in Florida’s workers’ compensation laws. We can answer your questions, help you complete the paperwork, and do what you need to try and get you the workers’ compensation you want and deserve. Contact us through our online form or by calling us at 800.556.8890 to schedule your free consultation and to request your complimentary copy of It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Workers’ Comp.
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