No matter the type of environment you work in, you can’t always avoid a work-related accident. An accident while on the job can leave you seriously injured and unable to perform your duties at work. It can also leave you with a considerable amount of medical bills you can’t pay. That is why you need to know about your Daytona Beach workers’ compensation benefits.

Requirements for Florida employers

All Florida employers are legally responsible to provide a safe work environment for their employees. In addition, they must purchase insurance that provides compensation to employees who are injured while on the job, whether they are employed on a:
  • Regular basis
  • Casual basis
  • Contractual basis

What your workers’ compensation policy may cover

Your compensation will be determined by many factors, including the individual claim and the extent of your injuries. You may be eligible for some of the following payments:
  • Weekly benefits
  • Medical treatment
  • Services for occupational rehabilitation
  • Ambulance transportation
  • Compensation for permanent impairment
  • Hospitalization
  • Retraining and vocational re-education

Filing for your workers’ compensation benefits

Workers’ compensation is designed to assist you in the event you are injured while working. However, getting access to your benefits is not always simple. Initially, you, your employer or your treating physician should report your injury to the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation.

The Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation will then report your injury to your employer’s insurance carrier. The insurance company will generally make a decision within 10 to 30 days on whether your claim is valid or not.

How an experienced Daytona Beach worker’s compensation attorney can help

The process is not always smooth. In some cases, the insurance carrier may determine your injury and claim is invalid. That is why you should speak with an experienced Daytona Beach workers’ compensation attorney.

The team at Johnson & Gilbert, P.A. is experienced in handling insurance companies. Our goal is to get you the benefits and compensation you deserve. We will work hard to ensure that you are treated fairly and with respect.

To learn more about your accident case, call us to order your free copy of our book, It’s Not Rocket Science, It’s Workers Comp.

If you or someone you know is looking to file a workers’ compensation claim, contact one of our experienced Daytona Beach workers’ compensation attorneys at Johnson & Gilbert, P.A. at (386) 673-4412 or (800) 556-8890.