Riding a motorcycle can leave you vulnerable to injuries. If you’re thrown from your bike, you may experience some type of road rash. Although your clothing can offer some protection, it may not be enough to keep you completely safe. While some motorcyclists walk away from an accident with minor abrasions, others can suffer varying degrees of road rash.
How Serious Is Your Road Rash?
If you experienced road rash as a result of your motorcycle accident, your injuries will fall into one of three categories or ‘levels.’ The following defines the three levels of severity:
- First degree. The least serious of all degrees, this level of injury usually leaves accident victims with scrapes, bruising, redness, tenderness, and slight bleeding. Although most types of first-degree road rash may be treated at home, it’s best to see a doctor for medical attention to prevent infection. If possible, wash the area well with soap and water soon after the injury occurs.
- Second degree. Road rash that is classified as second degree is serious. You may experience swelling, radiating heat, and bleeding. You may even see exposed muscles, tendons, and nerves. Prompt medical attention is essential for this type of injury.
- Third degree. Those who have third-degree road rash often experience swelling, deep wounds, and bleeding at the injury site. The victim may feel extreme pain or no pain at all if nerve damage occurs. The area may be shiny or have a milky appearance and muscles, tendons, and bone may be visible. Third-degree road rash typically leaves permanent scars and deformities.
Victims of motorcycle accidents often have life-long reminders of their crashes and road rash. Additionally, the medical bills to treat road rash can be expensive. If you believe that your injuries were caused by the negligence of another driver, you may be able to hold that person accountable. The lawyers of Johnson and Gilbert may be able to help.
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