Each year, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety produces a list and gives out awards for the safest cars. This year, for the first time, the criteria included a roof strength test to measure the protection if a car becomes involved in a rollover accident.
The awards are based on a vehicle’s ability to protect occupants in the front, side, rear and in rollover accidents. The report includes winners from all vehicle classes, which include large cars, midsize cars, small cars, midsize SUVs and small SUV’s.
Some of the winners for 2010 include Subaru, Ford, Volvo, Volkswagen/Audi, Chrysler, Nissan and Kia. For a more detailed list of the safest cars, read the article, Safest Cars for 2010.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, you should contact an experienced Daytona Beach accident attorney at the Law Firm of Johnson & Gilbert at (386) 673-4412 or (800) 556-8890.
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