good_driverNo one wants to be the cause of or a victim of an automobile accident. Even a minor one can result in you or a loved one suffering serious injuries that cause chronic pain, extended recovery, lost wages, and other damages.

However, you can take steps to keep you and your family safe.


Techniques That Help You Avoid a Car Crash

You cannot completely control whether you're involved in a motor vehicle wreck, since you can't predict the actions of other drivers. However, by following these safety guidelines, you can increase the likelihood that you'll avoid a crash:

  • Keep out of the fast lane. Many auto accidents on highways happen in the fast lane. Unless you must use it to pass another vehicle, remain in the right or center lane where you have more escape routes if you need to avoid a negligent driver.
  • Watch for blind spots. Be certain to adjust your side and rearview mirrors properly and check blind spots every time before changing lanes. In addition, try to avoid being in other drivers' blind spots, especially large truck operators.
  • Keep your hands in the proper position. Hands on the steering wheel at 9:00 and 3:00 o’clock positions maximize your control of the vehicle.
  • Maintain your car. Routine maintenance and prompt repairs helps you stay safe and avoid loss of control due to faulty brakes, tires, and other problems.
  • Don’t engage in distracted driving. Avoid talking on a cellphone, texting, eating and drinking, and other distracted driving practices. They significantly increase the likelihood that you'll be the cause of a collision.
  • Drive defensively. Be aware of other drivers around you, anticipate potential problems, and take defensive measures to avoid unsafe drivers, such as one who's tailgating or weaving between lanes.

No matter how carefully you drive, you may not be able to avoid being injured in a vehicle collision. The experienced car accident attorneys at Johnson & Gilbert, P.A. can help you hold the negligent driver accountable for compensating you for your injuries. To get started, call our Daytona Beach office to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.


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