Second beach driving fatality in Volusia county for 2010
For the second time in 2010, a fatality has occurred on one of Volusia county's beaches. A 4 year old boy was struck and killed by a truck on New Smyrna beach recently. Just this past March, a 4 year old girl was killed while on the beach. At Johnson & Gilbert, P.A. our heart felt sympathy goes out to the families who have experienced such tragedy. Volusia county has some of the only beaches in the country that allow vehicles on the beach. Although nostalgic, there are safety risk when beach-goers and cars/trucks are sharing the same space.
Remember, car friendly beaches pose risk to sunbathers and beach-goers. Exercise extra caution when walking to and from the ocean and never assume that a vehicle will spot you. No matter which side of the debate you may be on, everyone should agree that both drivers and beach-goers share a responsibility to be cautious and pay extra attention in an attempt to avoid tragic accidents